Friday, June 14, 2013

Religious overtones of Man of Steel and The End is Near

The two movies opening this weekend likely to have the biggest box office are The Man of Steel and The End is Near. Both have religious themes.
This newest portrayal of Superman reportedly continues the overt Christ-figure themes evident in Superman Returns. More on Superman another day.
The End is Near is obviously about the apocalypse. caught my attention with their critical review. Here’s what they said:
“While many are looking to the film to be a runaway hit this summer season, the only reasonable response to those who would be offended by “This is the End” - is NOT to see it, sending a message to Hollywood producers that the movie going audience doesn’t find religious satire either amusing, or appropriate.”
For some reason, a photo caption also amused me by their inclusion of blasphemy in their content warning:
“Rapture comedy ‘This is the End’ has rampant violent, sexual and other objectionable material, including blasphemy.”
I hope to watch both Superman and The End is Near and blog about both. In the meantime, you can read the article for yourself:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Stone's Throw Church?

I happened upon a website for a congregation called "Stone's Throw Church." Given the Biblical connotation of throwing stones, is this really the best name they could think of? Well, it is a memorable name, I suppose.

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This is a test post. I sure hope it works as easily as it looks thus far. Ok now I am typng ands thryd skskdjh kwdhckjh alkhjclakj s  dhjwskh djs skdhsk dksh  skh skjhksjh ssdjs d crdiskwl d f d g g fd f ds s d ssd f.